Marie Curie
Marie Sklodowska-Curie had an exceptional destiny. Born in Poland, she came to graduate school in Paris, young girls in her country being not admitted to the Faculty. She obtained her degree in physics and mathematics and also the very prized degree of “agrégée en Physique”.
In 1895 she married Pierre Curie, who joins her when she discovers that the “uranium rays” are not only emitted by uranium and are a general property of matter, which she called “radioactivity”. By making hard work, they discovered polonium and later on radium which is a million times more active than uranium.
The Nobel price was twice awarded to Marie Curie. After the tragic death of Pierre Curie in 1906, she continued on her own research. At the Radium Institute, she formed physicists from around the world.
Their discoveries cost Marie Curie her life. She died on the 4th July 1934 as a result of radiation effects which she had been exposed a while without knowing the dangers.
Her daughter Eve wrote a remarkable biography of Marie Curie. The ashes of Pierre and Marie Curie were transported to the Pantheon in April 1995.
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